Monday, February 24, 2014

Massive Goodreads Giveaway!

Now that it's February I'd like to think winter is winding down, but I live in Michigan so I know better. While I don't have a magical weather wand to wave to stop the subzero temps (it's in the shop), I do have another way to warm you up... Books! Free, advance copy, full of steamy kissalicious scenes to turn you from cold to hot in 358 pages or less books!

That's right. My fantabulous publisher is giving away 50 copies of My Last Kiss on Goodreads now through March 4th. Yes, 5-0! Click here to reap the benefits of their awesomeness. And make sure to add MLK to your to-read list while you're on the site.


Note: Credit for kissalicious is due to Ksenia Winnicki.Couldn't claim that one as my own in good conscience.